Monday, August 2, 2010

Found my motivation

When my meds were off I gained weight and got up to 189. About six weeks into the dosage change I am back down to 183.4 without working out or eating differently.  Well, I did cut out some of the sweets I craved so intensely.
I have some friendly competition with a couple of people.  In the next two months we will see who loses the greatest percentage of weight.
I have my 20 year high school reunion coming up in two months and that will have to be my motivation.  I would be perfectly happy with losing 10 lbs.
Because today is a thousand degrees outside and I have put my gym membership on hold, I will do some work indoors at home.  I may get out for a brisk walk once the sun starts to set.
I'll do about 3-5 minutes with my weighted hula-hoop and some work with the balance ball.
It really doesn't help that I ate Cheez-Its for dinner.